Cultural exchanges for young aikidokas SWITZERLAND-JAPAN
Approach education in a completely different way by immersing yourself in Japanese culture, feeling, touching, seeing and experiencing cultural differences in order to increase awareness and acceptance of our differences and similarities. This is the primary goal of our huge travel plans to Japan for Aikidoka children from Switzerland.
It was in 2014, during the jubilee of 150 years of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Japan, that the Neuchâtel & Biel Dojos, organized a such exchange for children between 10 and 16 years old fro the first time. These little samurais from Switzerland have become ambassadors of sameness in a world of differences.

Highlights of the trips: deepening the learning of Aikido, basic notions of the Japanese language, visit to must-see places, such as Toyko, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Miyajima, as well as the birthplaces of Aikido like Ayabe. Meeting with the Oomoto center, a branch of Japanese Shinto having had a great influence on the pacifist philosophy of Aikido and guardian of traditional Japanese arts (calligraphy, tea ceremony, ikebana,…). In 2018 there were overnight stays with Japanese host families in Shinshiro, the twin city of Neuchâtel in Japan. At the same time, you have to know how to eat with chopsticks, purify yourself before entering a temple, …, so many experiences that children have in these two weeks.
In 2025 Dojo Biel is organizing a brand new 3rd edition with 23 children.
Press review
>>> Interview on Radio RJB, evening news from 01.03.2025 (audio).
Article from 28.02.2025 in the Journal du Jura.
Article from 03.12.2024 in the Journal Biel Bienne.
A 2 week trip to the land of the rising sun, without their parents!
The project was carried out in 2014 and 2018.
Graf Dojos – Biel organizes the next edition which is scheduled 4-19.10.2025.
A big thank you to all the sponsors who help these children make their dreams come true!
This marvelous project has the support of
the Japan Foundation, Association Aikido Friends Biel-Bienne and the national Youth Aikido Associaition of Switzerland AJS
We are looking for sponsors
Support us !
Make a direct donation:
Acount: Graf Dojos
BCBE: IBAN CH03 0079 0042 6166 6393 8

Supporters dinner & evening from 1st of March

Evening programme
- Welcome drink at 6.30pm
- 7.00 p.m. start of the concert by the taiko group Kichigaï, who will thrill us with the sounds of traditional Japanese drums. You can find out more about their performance at Japaneuch 2023 and on their website
- Aperitif-dinner: non-alcoholic drinks, starters, Japanese ramen followed by desserts made by the families of the children taking part in the trip. For alcoholic beverages, the first welcome drink is free, and subsequent drinks are subject to a contribution from your heart.
- 9.00 p.m. Bilingual lecture on aikido and demonstration by Eric Graf and his Uke.
It has been a beautiful musical and festive evening.
Agenda & events around the project !
These are the planned events for now, more may come !
- 25.01.2025 Organization meeting – Dojo Biel
- 01.03 Kids Seminar & Big Supporting Dinner – Dojo Biel
- 23.03 Aikido Demonstration by Amag Biel, chemin du longchamps 118, 2504 Bienne, 10h30 & 14h00
- 29.03 Stand selling cakes and pastries – Nidau
- 04.04 Organization meeting – Dojo Biel
- 03.05 Toy sale at the flea market – Esplanade Biel
- 17.05 Toy sale at the flea market – Old Town Biel
- 08.06 Toy sale at the flea market – Walserplatz
- 14.06 Stand selling cakes and pastries – Biel
- 21.06 Kids Seminar – Dojo Biel
- 16.08 Kinderfest – Biel
- 05.09 Kids Seminar – Dojo Biel
- 06.09 Organization meeting – Dojo Biel
- 04-19.10 JAPAN! 🙂
Some souvenirs of the pior editions in 2014 and 2018

Photo: June 19, 2014, at the Museum of Ethnography in Neuchâtel, children participating in the trip with the four monitors, and, in the center, from left to right, Mrs. Burkhalter, Mr. Thomas Fachinetti Vice-President Ciry of Neuchâtel, the Crown Prince from Japan Naruhito (now the Emperor), Mr. Didier Burkhalter President of the Swiss Confederation.

October 19, 2018, visit of the Swiss Embassy in Tokyo in the presence of the Swiss Ambassador to Japan and his team.

October 19, 2018, with Aikido Doshu, Moriteru Ueshiba, grandson of the founder, after training at the Hombu Dojo in Tokyo.

October 2018, Aikido demonstration by our team in Shinshiro in front of 200 spectators, in the presence of the official Neuchâtel delegation visiting Shinshiro, the Mayor of Shinshiro and the Swiss Ambassador to Japan.